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Transparency Breeds Healing

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My name is Rachaele Nicole Jackson and I am the founder of BeYOUty Unleashed LLC.​

Since our founding in 2017, we have been determined to make an impact. The core of our efforts is transparency, encouragement, inspiration, and healing. I am passionate about helping people see their worth and inspiring them to tell their story no matter what it is because at the end of the day, we should never feel ashamed of who we are and the experiences we’ve been privileged to experience. This is my passion.

We are here to help you unleash your BeYOUty. The things that make or have made you YOU. No, what you went through may not have been pleasant or beautiful, but the fact that sharing your story, your life, your experiences can unlock someone from their own personal prisons is BeYOUtiful. Our purpose is to encourage and inspire you to share your experience to free yourself and so that someone else can be free. Our motto is “Transparency Breeds Healing”

Since 2017, during the months of April, June, September, and November, we have been coming together for 30 Days of Prayer. Prayer defined is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God. And that’s just what we want to do during these months. If there was ever a time we needed God, it’s now!! Feel free to join us for daily prayer posts and encouraging scriptures to help you through your day. I hope you will join us!​

Our honey bee logo represents our Sunshine and Honey brand. It represents the Scripture that says, “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

Proverbs 16:24. ​

We want what we say through our brand, our posts, our prayers, our products and all that we do, to bring sunshine and soothe just like honey.

Check out the products we have available: coloring books, notebooks, journals, monthly affirmation downloads, t-shirts, and hoodies.

Welcome to BeYOUty Unleashed!

Rachaele N. Jackson

Author and Educator

As an author and educator, everything I do has the underlying goal of fostering growth, healing, and learning. My creations include: Coloring Books, Journals, Notebooks, and Educational Workbooks.

At the heart of my work lies a trio of powerful themes: healing, encouragement, and empowerment. These are not just themes; they are the guiding principles that shape every page I create, from the reflective passages in my journals to the engaging exercises in my educational workbooks. My inspiration comes from personal experiences, each one teaching me the value of introspection, the strength found in positive affirmation, and the transformative power of believing in one's own capabilities.

My journey has taught me that healing is multifaceted—sometimes it begins with a word of encouragement, other times with the silent companionship of a coloring book or the accomplishment of learning something new. I strive to encapsulate this understanding in my work, aiming to create a bridge between my experiences and the needs of my readers. Whether it's through helping someone process their emotions in a venting journal, encouraging mindfulness through coloring, or empowering young minds to grasp the basics of language and mathematics, my goal is to light a path toward growth and self-discovery. This personal connection to healing and empowerment not only drives the content of my books, but also informs the way I teach and engage with the people I come in contact with. It's a reminder that every interaction, every word written, and every concept taught can be a step toward greater understanding and strength for both myself and my audience.

My path to becoming a writer was not one paved with early certainty or clear direction. For the longest time, I harbored the belief that I was not "someone who was a writer." Who would listen? Who would care? It was a question that echoed in the back of my mind, a reflection of my own uncertainties and the rigid definitions of what it meant to be a writer that society often imposes. Yet, it was through this very journey of self-doubt and exploration that I discovered the true essence of writing: it is not about fitting into a predefined mold, but about expressing, feeling, and simply being. I came to understand that everything we go through—every triumph, every setback—is a shared chapter in the vast narrative of life. This realization was my turning point. It led me to embrace my voice and the stories I wanted to tell, stories of healing, encouragement, and empowerment. Writing became my conduit for connecting with others who, just like me, might have felt alone in their experiences. It became clear that my journey, with its ups and downs, was not mine alone, but mirrored in the lives of others. This shared journey is what now fuels my passion for creating journals, workbooks, and coloring books that aim to heal, educate, and inspire. It's a testament to the fact that we are all writers of our own stories, and in sharing them, we find a common ground, a shared humanity that brings us closer together.

When I'm not creating or teaching, I enjoy down-time. I am an avid movie enthusiast. I absolutely LOVE the beach. The beach is my sanctuary, a place where the ocean reminds me of the boundless possibilities in life itself. Lastly, shopping is a guilty pleasure that offers its own kind of inspiration. (HUGE smile). These little extras enrich my life and keep me balanced. They are a source of joy beyond my professional pursuits.

I invite you to explore my creations, hoping they serve as companions on your own journey of healing, learning, and self-discovery.

Thank you for joining me here. Your support means the world to me.

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Everyone Has A Story" is a compelling apparel line designed to inspire and empower individuals to embrace and share their unique life experiences. With the understanding that each person's journey is filled with its own trials, triumphs, and lessons, this collection serves as a wearable reminder that our stories are not just personal narratives, but bridges that connect us to others.

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Everyone Has A Story" is a compelling apparel line designed to inspire and empower individuals to embrace and share their unique life experiences. With the understanding that each person's journey is filled with its own trials, triumphs, and lessons, this collection serves as a wearable reminder that our stories are not just personal narratives, but bridges that connect us to others.

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At BeYOUty Unleashed, we champion the idea that "Transparency Breeds Healing." Through our apparel, we invite you to unleash your BeYOUty - the unique qualities and experiences that shape who you are. Our mission is to encourage individuals to share their journeys, knowing that their openness can break personal barriers and set others free.

Established 2017

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In a world where moments of happiness can sometimes be overshadowed by the fast pace of life, the "Have You Smiled Today?" line stands as a beacon of light, It's not just apparel; it's a movement towards spreading happiness and kindness, one smile at a time.

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